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Writer's pictureJennifer Ortiz


Updated: Jul 17, 2019


Mankind was created with an instinct to lead. This is reflected in Genesis 1:26 “…let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” This authority was given in a general sense to mankind. However when you continue reading you encounter a reflection of God’s thought process when he created Adam and Eve. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Gen 2:15) Meaning he was now to govern the earth responsibly under God’s authority. But with every living being God had created “no suitable helper was found” (Gen 2:19). So God created Eve.

Eve was created to unite with Adam and “help” him, not “lead” him. God gave Adam specific instructions and then provided the help he needed through Eve. Husbands have a responsibility to take care of “the land”. What would now be their homes, wife, and children. Wives have a responsibility to “help” their husbands. However nowadays the subject of a woman’s place is a controversial (and touchy) one. Nonetheless God’s original intent still remains. The privileges that a woman carries now in the secular world like that of career, position, leadership are often times confused with her role in her home when she stands alongside her husband. Both positions as husband and wife have a great weight and will both be held accountable before God. They were designed to compliment and balance each other out. That is why when a couple has God as the center and glue of their marriage they will as a result draw closer together. It will unite them in a way nothing else can and become fulfilling not only to both of them, but to the family as a whole.

A “helper” has immense value. They  relieve burden, work together, team up, follow, encourage, lift up….and the list goes on. They have influence as well, are heard and have a voice. A wife is not left behind but rather walks alongside her husband. She supports him and in return receives what she yearns from him and the family; appreciation, value, admiration, and love. That doesn’t mean if she is not currently receiving these things she should diminish her devotion, but continue on because not a detail of her life is overlooked by the Creator. She will be rewarded in due time, as will the husband who takes on with diligence the responsibility that was given to him.

A marriage is a team, and when one role is lacking the marriage as a whole is affected. It trickles down to the children or anything else they lead as a couple. Whether it’s their home, a ministry or a business. Women if you can embrace God’s intent for your role as a wife, you will become a breath of life to your husband and children. Encouraging in everything you speak  and helping your husband in the guidance of your family. Sometimes it’s a difficult task in itself figuring out how to be that, I’m still figuring it out myself. But with God’s help and his Holy Spirit inside of you he will guide you and teach you every day. Embrace your role and its journey, it will not be in vain!

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