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Writer's pictureJennifer Ortiz

God reveals only what you need.

(by: Jennifer Ortiz)

No one told me that within my first ten years of marriage I would endure four miscarriages, a daughter who had seizures and another who would go through an open heart surgery.

Thank God.

Because I would have said, “Ok then. I just wont have kids. Spare me that pain.” And I would have missed out on so much more.

God is so intentional in all that he does, that he only reveals to us what we need to know at that moment. Enough to keep us moving forward with our eyes fixed on him and his faithfulness. We know that our ending will be with him in eternity, should we choose to believe in and follow him. But sometimes we get so caught up in the “in between”. We want to know details, we want to know how particular seasons in our lives will turn out or claim that we will be “at peace” once we know more.

Would you really be at peace if you knew more? Would I have been at peace knowing all of these things were going to happen in my life? I think not.

But I thank God that he is so good in all he does. He KNOWS what he’s doing. I can trust what his Word says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Even in the midst of trials, his thoughts are ONLY good. Do you believe that?

Even when he doesn’t answer your questions, can you believe that his thoughts are only good?

Even when the situation brings pain beyond belief, can you believe that his thoughts are only good?

Even when your prayer is not being answered the way you want it to be, can you believe that his thoughts are still GOOD?

There was a verse that carried me through processing the difficult news of our daughter’s heart condition and necessary surgery. It’s in Romans 8:28 and reads, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

It says ALL things. Not some, not sometimes, not once in a while…..ALL things work for the good of those who love him. Those who seek him earnestly and surrender their lives in his hands.

So even in the midst of my tears, immense heartache, and battles with my fears I chose to cling with everything I had to those words and believe that his thoughts for us and our daughter were ONLY good. That there is incredible purpose behind this painful process we had to endure.

I know it’s scary not knowing what will happen. The fear is crippling. But know there is purpose behind it all and God has a plan. He will not reveal all of the details to you, only what you need to know to keep going. Enough to keep you focused on him and strengthen your trust in him.

This trust in God’s Word only comes from my relationship with him. I have seen him be faithful in more ways I can count. Even when I have asked him, “What are you doing? How is this good for me? What is the point behind this pain?”, he has been faithful. This is a relationship that he longs to have with all of his children. That every single one of us would trust him enough to keep going without demanding answers.

It is not easy getting there, and all of our processes will be different. But it is not impossible. God is there present, never changing, stable and constant. My prayer is that you who are reading this would take a chance and trust God. He will not fail you. Choose to believe in his Word, he is not a man to lie. He does not make mistakes, it is all a part of his plan. Speak to him and open up your heart, he will not abuse it.

Believe, trust and rest in his love. His love is always faithful.

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