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Writer's pictureJennifer Ortiz

Don't hold back

Being parents has taught us many things about how God sees us and works with us. We have three daughters, and they have no problem with being bold to ask what they want of us. We love them and would want to give them everything that we know is going to be good for them. But we are human, limited by time and resources. However there is a sovereign God who loves deeply and is unlimited in power and resources. Everything moves because of him, and he taught me a very valuable lesson.

This morning I sat and talked to Him.

I needed it, my soul needed it.

I began sharing the things I desired for him to do in my life. But as I was praying I realized something, even though I was saying words I was actually holding back a great deal in my heart.

I wasn't truly pouring out my thoughts in transparency and honesty. Without realizing it I was just saying “pretty words” to God, and not really having a conversation.

Have you ever prayed and your sentences seem repetitive and monotonous? That's a sign that you are not truly digging deep to what you need to express.

Perhaps you are saying what you think God wants to hear, but God is looking at you saying “What’s really on your mind?”

I knew that I wanted to make the best out of my time and conversation with God, and this required me to change my way of speaking to him. I needed to be honest and not hold back. The same way our daughters are when they come to us.

A part of me had actually been ashamed of some of the things I wanted to ask from God.

For a moment I had felt foolish about my desires and struggled questioning whether I was being selfish or self centered by desiring more. But what a loving Heavenly Father we have that he sees right through our soul and with much love points out the things we need to correct for our own good!

Imagine our own children being embarrassed or ashamed to share their hearts with us!

As I began opening up and really telling God what was in my heart, I began to feel lighter.

I boldly decided to tell God my “ridiculous” prayers.

As I spoke I realized that those “ridiculous” prayers were no more than big aspiring dreams. Dreams that I held deep in my heart that would probably seem insane and crazy to most people.

Even impossible.

But I looked at the front of my prayer journal which read what is found in Matthew 19:26, “With God all things are possible.” I needed that reminder that I serve a God of the impossible. Maybe you need this reminder today.

How else will we see his power over our lives if we don’t come to him with big bold prayers?

How would we exercise our faith if we keep our prayers “small and humble”?

I don’t want to ask God for the bare minimum.

He gave his son for me, he provided a way for me to come back to him in a most powerful and incredible way! So why do we walk around thinking that asking him for big bold things would be too much work for him?

Dear friend there is nothing that we could ask of him that is greater than what he’s already done!

He has given it all already.

The things we bring to him are just stepping stones into building what he has for our future.

Why would that be a bother for him?

The truth is we don’t need to hold anything back when talking to God.

We don’t need to feel foolish or ridiculous when we bring petitions to him.

He’s not going to laugh or get mad.

He’s not going to tell you that he can't afford it and money doesn't grow on trees.

He’s definitely not going to tell you that you’re asking for too much and he doesn't have time.

When you come to God in prayer, know that he already knows what’s in your heart. You can’t hide anything, so you might as well talk about it!

Nothing but yourself stops you from talking to God and having a heartfelt conversation.

If you have accepted God’s gift of salvation through Jesus, then know that you are his child and he loves you! You are his!

And if you haven't made this decision in your life, know that there is joy and an abundant life waiting for you when you accept the sacrifice that Jesus did.

Give him your heart, give it all. It is the most freeing decision you will ever make.

Hold on tight to those moments you spend with God and make the most of them by being honest, transparent and yes,...completely vulnerable. No matter how uncomfortable it may seem, I guarantee that afterwards you won't feel the same.

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