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Writer's pictureJennifer Ortiz

Are you still waiting?

Have you ever had to wait for something for a really long time?

I am not naturally a patient person. I like to feel productive and efficient with my time, so I don’t like to sit still for long periods of time. At home I always have something to do, and it takes a lot for me to actually sit and watch tv. I’m always looking for how to do the most in the least amount of time. While I’m waiting for food to be done or laundry to finish washing my eyes are looking to see what else I can be doing in the meantime. And because of this personality trait of mine, I find it very hard to wait for things in general. I know to a certain extent we all struggle with this, but there are some of us who REALLY struggle.

I struggle when I have to wait at the doctor’s office, I struggle when I have to wait on my children to do things, I struggle when I have to stand in line at the grocery store (thank God for Instacart)....I struggle to wait! Which seems ironic because I’m always telling my kids they need to learn to wait for things.

It’s funny how God moves in our life and points out exactly those very specific traits that we need to work on. Because then quarantine happened.

Months of being at home, waiting.

Waiting to see how things were going to progress, how life was going to change or what the new “normal” was going to look like.

While I enjoyed the pause and unrushed time I had with my children, there were moments that were rough. The waiting was rough, the uncertainty, and the yearning to be able to move on from this scary situation was at times overwhelming for my already “impatient doer” mentality.

What helped get me through these moments (aside from my faith and clinging to God) was the fact we had somewhat of a time frame.

Sometimes having a set date or deadline makes waiting a bit more manageable. At least psychologically, if you know there’s a finish line then you tell yourself that you just have to make it to that point.

But what about when we are waiting for something that seems to have no end date marked?

Or when you are fervently praying for something that shows no sign of being resolved?

How in the world do we “wait patiently” on the Lord?

This has been a very real and raw lesson in my life. There were moments that I argued with God, or tried to negotiate. There were moments I pleaded and begged, even cried...yet nothing.

Did this mean that God was not present or actively working? Absolutely not.

God is not restrained or governed by our human deadlines or limitations.

We put that limit on ourselves. Time does not exist for God, he always was and always will be. That is such a difficult concept to grasp in our humanity. There was no beginning to him, and there will be no end. Yet we anxiously demand that he work within our time frames, and get discouraged when he doesn't.

What a difficult life lesson, learning to wait patiently on the Lord.

But there is something amazing that happens when we do wait.

When we stop fighting and just sit.

It puts us in a position to see and soak in the gifts that he wants to give us while we wait. There are lessons in the “in between”. There are blessings in “the waiting”, and we will miss them if we remain focused on what we want rather than aligning our thoughts with what God wants for us.

Even when God does not give us an answer when we want, we can hold on to knowing that he is true to his promises. The bible says that he watches to make sure his word is fulfilled. More importantly, he watches to make sure his promises to us are fulfilled.

God is not a human parent who forgets when his children ask him for things or is limited by situations and income to provide for his children. (I'm sure many of you parents can relate)

He is God almighty, sovereign over all the Earth.

Nothing can get in his way. He has a perfect plan, and if we trust him and learn to wait patiently we will see him move. I love what Psalms 40:1-3 says:

“I waited patiently on the Lord;

He turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,

Out of the mud and mire;

He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

He put a new song in my mouth,

A hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see and fear the Lord

And put their trust in him.”

If you are waiting for something very important in your life, know that God has not overlooked it. He has not forgotten, he is not struggling, and he is not being cruel in making you wait. Patience is a part of our walk with God. We either embrace the waiting, or we will struggle the entire process. It is not fun, and it does not seem “efficient” or “productive” to wait, but God does things well done for the good of his children. He is moving all the bits and pieces to make it work together for our good. Because that is his promise! (Romans 8:28).

If you are walking through this life lesson today, take a deep breath. You might have to wait some more, or your answer may be just around the corner. Remember that we have a very real enemy who wants to rob us of our blessing so we do not give glory to God. The devil knows if we don't shout praises, others won't be ministered to or strengthen their faith in Christ.

Yes it can be exhausting, yes it can be an emotional roller coaster.

But in the end it will be worth the wait. And that is what I am holding on to, I pray that is what you can hold on to as well.

God is a good and loving father. Waiting is part of the good he has planned. Believe it, embrace it and sing a tune while you wait.

Smile while you wait.

Praise while you wait.

Rejoice while you wait.

It will come.

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